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Esta semana traigo un"mega post" para acabar con la serie de posts dedicados a los cambios introducidos en el First Certificate 2015.
Hoy le toca al Speaking, la última actividad que harás en el examen.
Aquí tienes los posts anteriores sobre el nuevo First Certificate 2015:
- El primero de la serie, ha sido un post genérico sobre los cambios del First Certificate (2015).
- El segundo de la serie, ha sido un post específico sobre cómo aprobar el Reading y Use of English (2015) en cuatro pasos.
- El tercero de la serie, ha sido un post específico sobre cómo aprobar el Writing del First Certificate (2015) Ejemplo de discursive Essay
- El cuarto de la serie, ha sido un post específico sobre cómo aprobar el Listening del First Certificate (2015)
Vamos ahora con el Speaking.
El nuevo Speaking es ligeramente diferente al anterior ya que solo he visto un par de cambios:
- La primera parte, dura un minuto menos (pasa de 3 a 2 minutos) y
- en la tercera parte desaparecen las imágenes que se enseñaban a los candidatos para que hablaran entre ellos y tomarán una decisión.
Duración del Speaking: 14 minutos (igual que antes)
Puntuación: 20% del examen (igual que antes)
Partes y número de palabras
Speaking ANTERIOR a enero 2015
Speaking A PARTIR de enero de 2015
Número de partes
4 partes
Igual: 4 partes
Parte 1
Conversation between examiner and each candidate Duración: 3 minutos
El interlocutor hace, por turnos, a cada candidato preguntas sobre su vida, gustos, estudios.
Igual: Conversation between examiner and each candidate
El interlocutor hace, por turnos, a cada candidato preguntas sobre su vida, gustos, estudios.
Duración 2 minutos- Es 1 minuto más corta.
Nota: Los tiempos no son tan exactos. |
Parte 2
Individual “long turn” : 1 minuto and response from second candidate : 30 segundos
A cada candidato se le da dos fotos y se le pide que hable sobre ellas. Cada candidato deberá responder una pregunta sobre las fotos de su compañero. La respuesta será de 20 segundos.
Se trata de comparar, constrastar, describir y expresar opiniones.
Igual: Individual “long turn”: 1 minuto and response from second candidate: 30 segundos
A cada candidato se le da dos fotos y se le pide que hable sobre ellas. Cada candidato deberá responder una pregunta sobre las fotos de su compañero. La respuesta será de 20 segundos.
Se trata de comparar, constrastar, describir y expresar opiniones.
Part 3
Two-way conversation between candidates
Duración: 3 minutos
Los candidatos debían interactuar entre ellos en relación con un texto e imágenes con el fin de tomar una decisión. Debían compartir ideas, justificar opiniones, estar de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, negociar y llegar a un acuerdo
Two-way conversation between candidates
Duración: 3 minutos
Cambia: Desaparecen las imágenes. Ahora solo hay un texto escrito. Lo demás es igual.
Los candidatos deben interactuar entre ellos en relación con un texto que se les dará a leer. Deben compartir ideas, justificar opiniones, estar de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, negociar y llegar a un acuerdo.
Part 4
Discussion related to the task in Part 3
Duración: 4 minutos.
Los candidatos responden las preguntas del interlocutor dando y justificando sus opiniones; están de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, especulando.
Igual: Discussion related to the task in Part 3
Duración: 4 minutos.
Los candidatos responden las preguntas del interlocutor dando y justificando sus opiniones; están de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, especulando.
Como hemos hecho con las otras partes del nuevo First Certificate, recurriremos al examen de ejemplo de la página web de Cambridge para practicar el Speaking.
Descárgate el Speaking del ejemplo de examen FCE 2015 aquí.
Consejos Generales:
1. Escucha con atención las instrucciones del examinador.
2. Si no has entendido algo, pregunta: "I'm sorry. I didn't understand that. Could you repeat it?" Nota: Esta pregunta no te bajará puntos, sino por el contrario te ayudará a no equivocarte en la respuesta.
3. No des nunca respuestas solo de "yes" o "no". Se está examinando tu capacidad de expresarte en inglés, por tanto, debes elaborar un poco la respuesta.
4. Intenta hablar alto y claro, no titubear ni enredarte. Para conseguir estos deberás pasar un buen tiempo hablando con un profesor/nativo, alguien que sepa más inglés que tú, o, como último recurso, hablando tú solo delante del espejo.
5. Lee este post sobre los errores comunes que cometen los hispanoparlantes al hablar inglés. Te ahorrará muchos dolores de cabeza.
Antes de entrar en detalle, me gustaría que veas este vídeo de Cambridge que muestra a 2 candidatos (Victoria y Edward) haciendo el Speaking test del ejemplo del examen. Te dará una buena idea de qué se espera de ti en el Speaking.
IMPORTANTE: Mira los comentarios del examinador evaluando cómo han hecho Victoria y Edward el examen. Son muy buen material para prepararse el Speaking.
Ahora iremos analizando qué hacer en cada parte. Te recomiendo utilices IVONA, o software similar, para saber cómo suenan las respuestas sugeridas por este post.
Part 1
Descárgate Part 1
Duración: 2 minutos (3 minutos para grupos de 3)
En qué consiste:
En esta parte se te harán una serie de preguntas personales. Como puedes ver en el ejemplo de examen, te preguntan tu nombre y de dónde eres. Luego, empieza una serie de opiniones sobre gustos, la familia, lo que te interesa.
Veamos ejemplos de posibles contestaciones.
Pregunta (Likes and dislikes)
Posible Respuesta
Pron. aproximada
How do you spend your evenings?
What do you do?
Two times a week I go to the gym. If I don’t have to go to the gym, I stay at home reading, or listening to music. I also like to watch TV. I do all these activities because I need to relax after studying.
| tu ˈtaɪmss a wik ˈaɪ ɡoʊ tu ðə chɪm | ɪf ˈaɪ doʊnt hav tu ɡoʊ tu ðe chɪm | ˈaɪ steɪ at hoʊm ˈridɪŋ or ˈlɪsen̩ɪŋ tu ˈmiuzɪk | ˈaɪ ˈolsoʊ ˈlaɪk tu wuacht ˌtiˈvi| ˈaɪ du ol ðiss akˈtɪvitiss bɪˈkoss ˈaɪ nid tu rɪˈlaks ˈɑftə ˈsstadɪɪŋ |
Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people?
I like both; depending on what I want to do. For example, if I want to paint or read a book I’d rather be on my own, but if I want to go to the cinema, or eat out I always like to go with my friends. Doing these activities with friends is always more fun.
ˈaɪ ˈlaɪk boʊz | dɪˈpendɪŋ on ˈwuat ˈaɪ wuant to du| for eksampel̩ | ɪf ˈaɪ wuant tu peɪnt or rid a bʊk aɪd ˈrɑðe bi on maɪ oʊn | bat ɪf ˈaɪ wuɒnt tu ɡoʊ tu ðe ˈsɪnema| or it aʊt ˈaɪ olwueɪss ˈlaɪk tə ɡəʊ wuɪz maɪ frendss | ˈduing ðiss akˈtɪvitiss wɪz frendss ɪss ˈolwueɪss mor fan |
Tell us about a film you really like
One film that I really like is a Spanish film called “Ocho Apellidos Vascos” – Eight Basque Surnames. It’s about a young Andalusian man that falls in love with a young woman from the Basque country. I like it because it shows that even if people are very different they can find a common background and get on well.
wuan fɪlm ðat ˈaɪ ˈrɪli ˈlaɪk iss a ˈspanɪsh fɪlm kold <“ocho>
Do you like cooking? What sort of things do you cook?
Yes, I really enjoy cooking because it relaxes me. I cook simple dishes such as spaghetti, or steak with chips or “cocido”, a very popular dish from Madrid.
ies | ˈaɪ ˈrɪəli enyoɪ ˈkʊkɪŋ bɪkɒss ɪt rɪˈlaksɪss miː | ˈaɪ kʊk ˈsɪmpel̩ ˈdɪshes sach ass spaˈɡeti | a steɪk wɪz chɪps a <“cocido”> | a ˈveri ˈpɒpiʊla dɪsh from maˈdrɪd |
Pregunta (Special occasions)
Posible Respuesta
Pron. aproximada
Do you normally celebrate occasions with friends or family? Why?
When I was younger I always celebrated my birthdays with my family, but nowadays I usually go out with my friends. For example, we go out to see a film, or to have a drink. This is simply because I enjoy being with my friends.
wuen ˈaɪ wuassˈiaŋɡer ˈaɪ ˈolwueɪss ˈselebreɪtɪd maɪ ˈberdeɪss wuɪz maɪ ˈfamili | bat ˈnaʊadeɪss ˈaɪ ˈiushuali ɡoʊ aʊt wuɪz maɪ frendss | for ekssɑmpel wui ɡoʊ aʊt tu ˈsi a fɪlm or tu hav a drɪŋk | ðɪs ɪss ˈsɪmpli bɪˈkoss ˈaɪ enyoɪ ˈbiɪŋ wuɪz maɪ frendss |
Tell us about a festival or celebration in (candidate’s country)
I’d like to mention Carnival. It’s celebrated all over Spain. People wear costumes, and go to parties. At the end of the carnival, there is a ceremony called the “Burial of the Sardine”. It’s a carnival parade that parodies a funeral procession.
aɪd ˈlaɪk tu ˈmenshon ˈkɑːnɪval̩ | ɪts ˈselɪbreɪtɪd ol ˈoʊve speɪn | ˈpipol̩ wueə ˈkostiuːmss | ənd ɡoʊ tu ˈpɑːtɪss | at ði end of ðe ˈkɑːnɪval̩ | ðe iss a ˈserɪmoni kold ðe berial of ðe sardin | ɪts a ˈkanɪval̩ paˈreɪd ðat ˈparodɪss ə ˈfiuneral proseshion |
What did you do on your last birthday?
On my last birthday I went out with some friends to have a drink. We met at a bar in the city centre and they gave me lots of presents. We had a very good time.
on maɪ lɑst ˈbezdeɪ ˈaɪ ˈwuent aʊt wɪz sam frendss tu həv ə drɪŋk | wui met at a bar in de siti
ˈsenter ənd ˈðeɪ ɡeɪv miː lots of preˈssents | wui had aˈveri ɡʊd ˈtaɪm |
Are you going to do anyhting special this weekend? (Where are you going to go?) (What are you going to do?)
Next weekend I’ll visit Salamanca with some friends. We have a friend who is from there and he is going to show us around.
nekst wikˈend aɪl ˈvɪssɪt ˌsalamanca wuɪz sam frendss | wui həv a ˈfrend hu iss from ðer and hi issˈɡoʊɪŋ tu shou ass aˈraʊnd.
Pregunta (Media)
Posible Respuesta
Pron. aproximada
How much TV do you watch in a week? (Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or less (Why?)
I watch TV about one hour a week. I think one hour a week is enough for me because I prefer to spend the rest of my free time doing exercise or watching videos, rather than watching TV.
ˈaɪ wuatchˌtivi aˈbaʊt uan ˈaʊər ə wik | ˈaɪ ˈzɪŋk wuan ˈaʊər a wik s enaf fo miː bɪˈkoss ˈaɪ prɪˈfeː tu spend ðe rest of maɪ friː ˈtaɪm ˈduɪŋ ˈeksersais or ˈwuashɪŋ ˈvɪdɪoss ˈrɑðe ðan ˈwuatʃɪŋ ˌtivi
Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.
Last week I saw a programme that was really entertaining. It’s a programme in which the presenter interviews celebrities. After the interview they play funny tricks on them. For example, an experiment in which the celebrity must insert their hand into a box full of insects.
lɑst wik ˈaɪ so a ˈproɡram ðat wuass ˈrɪli enteˈteɪnɪŋ | ɪts a ˈproɡram ɪn wuɪtch ðe preˈssenter ˈɪnteviuss seˈlebrɪtɪss | ˈɑːfte ði ˈɪnteviuː ˈðeɪ pleɪ ˈfani trɪks on ðem | for ekssampel̩ an eksperɪment ɪn wuɪtch ðe seˈlebrɪti mast ɪnˈseːt ðe hand ˈɪntu a boks fʊl of ˈɪnsekts |
- Contesta exactamente a la pregunta (no te vayas por las ramas con otro tema). Te puedes ayudar iniciando la respuesta con parte de la pregunta. Por ejemplo: La pregunta es: Do you like cooking? - Y tú respondes: Yes, I really enjoy cooking...y continuas dando una breve explicación.
- Si te preguntan Why? No te olvides de dar una explicación.
- No contestes nunca solo "yes" or "no".
- Elabora un poco las contestaciones con tus propias experiencias.
- Si tienes dificultades con los tiempos verbales (pasados, verb to be) practica con los ejercicios que recomiendo en este post para la primera parte del Speaking.
Cuando practiques, mide tus tiempos. Recuerda que cada candidato tiene un minuto para hablar.
Part 2
Descárgate aquí Part 2
Duración: 4 minutos (6 minutos para grupos de 3). 2 minutos para cada candidato
En qué consiste:
En esta parte, el examinador dará a cada candidato 2 fotos para que la describa, compare y, luego, conteste una pregunta.
El "interlocutor" comienza diciendo:
"In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs. I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner's photograph.
A continuación, dirá al Candidato A (el candidato que habla primero).
It's your turn first. Here are your photographs. They show people who are helping other people in different situation.
Pregunta para el primer candidato. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say how important it is to help other people in these situations. All right.
Entonces te enseñan las fotos.
Posible respuesta: Nota: Puede que estas respuestas sean demasiado elaboradas para tu actual nivel, pero sin duda te servirán de ejemplo si las tomas como modelo.
Recuerda que ha dicho primero: "compare the photographs". Para compararlas primero deberás describirlas así que puedes contestar algo como esto:
In the first photograph we can see a person helping a football player who seems to be injured, and in the second photograph there is a woman who looks like a tourist asking for help to the policeman. She seems to need help to find her way because she is looking at a map with the policeman.
They are, indeed, very different ways of helping but they are equally important within their own context. I'll explain. In the first case, it is important to help the football player because he might have a serious injury and the sooner he gets help the better it will be for his general health. On the other hand, if it is a minor injury the doctor can send him back to play immediately. If he is a good player, his team could win the match with his help. In the second case, though it seems to be a more trivial situation, it is important that tourists get help to find their way in the city they are visiting because it gives them a good impression about the place. The better the image of a city is the more likely it is to attract tourists, and tourism is an important source of income for many cities. In conclusion, helping people may have very different effects depending on the context in which the help is given, but it is always a positive thing to do.
Interlocutor: Thank you.
A continuación, el examinador hará una pregunta sobre estas fotos al candidato B.
Pregunta al segundo candidato:
Do you find it easy to ask for help when you have a problem? Why? Why Not?
El candidato B tiene ahora 30 segundos para contestar.
Posible respuesta:
it depends on the kind of problem that I have. If it is a minor obstacle, such
as opening a door, getting a pen or similar item, then it's easy for me to ask
for help to whoever is next to me. But if it is a big issue, such as asking for
money or help that could imply a lot effort on the part of the person being
asked, then it certainly difficult for me to ask for help. So difficult that I
think I have never asked for help in these types of situations. Another thing
is if they offer me help without me asking. Then, I'd consider accepting
the offer.
Interlocutor: Thank you.
A continuación el examinador enseñará otras dos fotos al Candidato B, y le hará una pregunta.
Esta es la pregunta del ejemplo de examen:
Now, here are your photographs. They show people spending time in different gardens. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and what you think the people are enjoying about spending time in these gardens.
Posible respuesta:
Como en el caso anterior, comenzaremos por describir lo que vemos, luego comparar y finalmente contestaremos la pregunta.
the first photograph, we can see a man who has knelt to take care of some
plants. It seems to be a vegetable garden. And, in the second photograph, we
can see a garden surrounding a big building that looks like a castle. They are
very different kind of gardens, one is private and made to cultivate plants and
the other one is public and made to relax and walk around. In the first
case, the man cultivating his own plants might be enjoying the possibiltity of
having his own vegetables. If he is a cook he can use these vegetables in his
kitchen to prepare delicious meals. Or he can give them to relatives and
friends, or even sell them depending on how big the garden is. In the second
case, the people are enjoying the views, the good weather, the fresh smell of
the grass, the possibility of chatting with friends in the open air or going
for a walk, and most of all, of relaxing.
Interlocutor: Thank you.
A continuación, el examinador hará una pregunta sobre estas fotos al candidato A (primer candidato).
Which garden would you prefer to spend time in? Why?
El candidato A tiene ahora 30 segundos para contestar.
Posible respuesta:
not very good at cultivating plants because I'm not patient enough and I never
did this kind of activity before, so I'd much rather spend time in the public
garden. I have been studying very hard for this exam; therefore to spend time
in such a garden would be a great opportunity to relax. Besides I enjoy very
much going out for a walk and being outside when the weather is good Another
reason for me to spend time in a garden such as the one in the second
photograph, is that I enjoy visiting monuments. It would be wonderful to visit
such a lovely building and contemplate the magnificent views from there.
Part 3
Descárgate aquí Part 3
Duración: 4 minutos (5 minutos para grupos de 3) Cada candidato tiene aprox. 2 minutos para hablar.
En qué consiste: Los candidatos deben interactuar entre ellos en relación con un texto que se les dará a leer. Deben compartir ideas, justificar opiniones, estar de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, negociar y llegar a un acuerdo.
El examinador:
Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.
I'd like you to imagine that a town wants more tourists to visit. Here are some ideas they're thinking about and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task.
Te darán 15 segundos para mirar el texto que será algo similar al de abajo.
Now, talk to each other about why these ideas would attract more tourists to the town.
Qué hacer:
- Puedes empezar tú haciendo algún comentario y al finalizar, pedir la opinión del otro candidato diciendo: "What do you think?"
- Ve discutiendo cada punto con el otro candidato.
- Si el otro candidato habla muy poco, no te cortes y sigue hablando tú, a no ser que el examinador te diga que pares.
- Recuerda que se trata de dar opiniones, sugerir, especular e intentar llegar a un acuerdo con el otro candidato u otros candidatos, por eso, no te pongas a "soltar un rollo por tu cuenta" sin dejar tiempo para que las otras personas den también opinión.
- Deja hacia el final el acuerdo. Este también puede ser un desacuerdo. Lo que importa es que se produzca una "negociación" y una "conclusión" en forma de "acuerdo" o "desacuerdo."Apréndete el "patrón de respuestas" repitiendo para que luego puedas utilizarlo en el examen real
A: I think they are good ideas, but not all of them help to attract
tourist in the same way. Besides you if you have a limited amount of
money you ought to decide which ones are better.
Dirigiéndose a Candidate B:
What do you think? Should we review one by one?
Candidate B: Yes. I'll start with the option of building a large night club. I
think it would only attract tourist who like to party and enjoy the night and
it's very costly to build such a place. I wouldn't suggest this option for attracting
A: I wouldn't either. I like better the idea of putting security
camaras because people like to feel safe in the places they visit.
B: I don't agree with that. Some people may feel like they are being
spied on. Perhaps, it would be a good idea in big cities that have a high rate
of crime, but not for a town.
A: On second thoughts (pensándolo un poco más), I think you're right; they are not a good
tool to attract tourists in a town not only because people might feel spied on,
but also because nobody goes to a town just because there are security camaras.
Having more shops, instead, seems to me a great way to attract more tourists,
especially if you offer attractive products such as luxury clothes and gadgets.
B: I agree with that because when people travel to certain
destinations such as the Canary Islands in Spain they look for luxury items,
such as perfumes, or clothes.
What do you think about holiday
A: I like it if they are are nice and
confortable and they are offered along with nice landscapes, swimming pools,
shopping centres and parks, which takes me to the last idea. Providing parks is
an interesting option because families could come for the day to have a picnic,
play with their children or just explore the different flora and fauna.
Don't you think?
Candidate B: Right. I would say that if we had to choose, the best options would be building holiday flats, providing parks and having more shops. Do you agree?
Candidate A:
Option 1: Agreeing. Absolutely.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. You first build the holiday flats and provide
the parks, and then when more people start coming you open more shops.
Option 2: Disagreeing: Not,
really. I think the holiday flats would spoil the landscape. They are
usually tall buildings with lots of flats that look crammed (apiñados). I think it
is much more effective to provide for a park or two and to have more shops.
Candidate B:
Answer to option 2: But if you
don't build the holiday flats where are the guests going to stay? You'll
only have people who stay for the day.
A partir de aquí, la discusión podría seguir hasta que el examinador la detuviera.
Part 4
Descárgate aquí Part 4
Duración: 4 minutos (5 minutos para grupos de 3)
En qué consiste:
Los candidatos responden las preguntas del interlocutor dando y justificando sus opiniones; están de acuerdo, o en desacuerdo, especulando.
Qué hacer:
- Recuerda que tienes que justificar tus opiniones, sobre todo, cuando te preguntan Why? o Why not? Esto significa que debes poner ejemplos y sacar conclusiones.
- Como en el resto del Speaking, ten especial cuidado con los tiempos verbales y la organización de tu discurso.
- Intenta que todo lo que digas concuerde perfectamente uniendo tus ideas con expresiones hechas y "connectors". Ej. I think it is a good idea but...In that case, it is a possibility. After all, they..... Finally, .....
- Puedes responder a lo que dice el otro candidato.
- A veces, el examinador os hará una pregunta a ambos candidatos, razón por la cual es posible que se genere una discusión donde cada parte da una opinión.
Estas son las preguntas del interlocutor del ejemplo de examen y las posibles respuestas.
- Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday..(Why?/Why not?)
- Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn't go on so many holidays. What do you think?
- Do you think people have enough time for holidays these days?(Why?/Why not?)
- Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?
Another reason is because people like to see how people live in other places. It is always a good experience to compare your life with the life of other people around the world. If you go to a poorer country, for example, when you come back to your hometown you are probably going appreciate what you have more .
- What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?
- What can people do to have a good holiday in (candidate's country)? (Why?)
Thank you. This is the end of the test.
Vaya, ha salido largo, pero espero que os sea útil.
Hasta la próxima semana.
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2 comentarios :
Very useful!! Thanks a lot!
Podrías escribir una entrada sobre el speaking del CAE? Estoy teniendo problemas sobre todo con la parte 2 de comparar imágenes y sería muy útil. Gracias! :)
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