Miguel me escribe para presentarme "Subinglés", una página en la que podemos aprender inglés escuchando las letras de nuestras canciones preferidas.
Te animo a visitarla y a sacarle provecho.
Recuerda: una y otra vez, hasta que se te graben los sonidos del inglés.
4 comentarios :
Fantastica pagina. Muchas gracias por compartirlo. Estoy en canada y estoy aprendiendo el frances y practicar el ingles.
felicitaciones por el blog.
I've been studying english about 1 year ago, I started to learn on your webpage, I'm from México, I think I'm a Advance level, I'm not pretty sure, I must say I speak as I know american english, I think , of corse, It's better off this way, anyway, I've been trying to make my grammar better, I'd like to know how , that's why , I'm doing this,asking for answears, I study about 4 hours day, all days , Monday to friday, I haven't travel to the states or another country to practice, I can speak, talk, and write, of corse some mistakes but you know, It'll take some time, I would like to know how to make my grammar better, I'll be waiting for your answear, and by the way, this blog It's amazing, you know awesome, I think you're helping a lot of people here, thanks for giving us a change to get to know mora than this.
To improve your grammar you must read the theory, and practise a lot doing many exercises. Here you have an excellent page to do it.
Reading my blog also helps.
Monica, realmente no se como agradecerte lo util que es tu blog. Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones por el trabajo diario que dispones en todos nosotros.
Muchas gracias, felicitaciones y sigue asi!!!!
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